Islami bank loan system

Islami bank loan system

From today’s article, you will know about the process of how to take a loan from Islami Bank. As a customer of Islami Bank, if you want to know about the method of taking loan from Islami Bank. Then you can see this article. You can take loans from all the banks as easily as possible. You can’t take it easily from Islamic banks. Basically, whether the loan will be easy or difficult will completely depend on your monthly income. The more you earn, the more loans you will be able to take. Now we will take a look at Islami bank loan is possible? What is the Islamic Bank loan system? Amount of investment in different sectors, investment for insurance and investment for small scale business. 

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Islami bank loan system

Is it possible to take Islamic bank loan?

If you want to take a loan from an Islamic bank, they may not give you a loan if you go directly and share with them about taking a loan. That is, the bank official may not give you a loan. Only in the case of Islamic banks, they have changed the word to investment. That is, they will give you some money and you can set up your business with that money. That is, if you want to do the loan with Islami Bank, then when you go ahead with the help of any of the Islami Banks, they will give you a loan according to the box.

What is the method of taking Islamic bank loan?

If after considering all the aspects you have come to the conclusion that it is very necessary for you to invest from an Islamic bank. Then you can follow the following steps.

1. First visit your nearest branch to make investment.

2. Then inform them about the sector for which you want to take loan or investment.

3. Bring your salary statement and other source of income documents with you when you visit the branch.

4. Basically if you come from village to city you want to build a house. Then you have to present all your income documents before them.

5. If your monthly income is more than 50 thousand. Then you can take investment up to ten lakh rupees. Also, the higher the income, the higher the loan amount.

6. In the same way, for an income below 50 thousand rupees, you can realize an investment of less than 10 lakh rupees.

7. After receiving the investment, the amount of interest they pay is 7.60 percent.

Amount of investment in different sectors

Investment to build house

If you want to take investment to build a house. Then 16.00% rate of return will be applicable to you. That is, your interest will be 16%. And the investment you can take for three years. Also, the amount of investment you will take may vary depending on your location. For example: In metropolitan city area you can take more than 2 crore 54 lakh rupees, in district municipality you can take more than 1 crore 59 lakh rupees. In other areas you will get more than 8 lakh rupees.

Investment for car insurance

That is, if you want to take investment for car insurance, then these amounts are repayable within four to five years. Basically you can take an investment for four years for a reconditioned car and five years for a brand new car. For a reconditioned car you can take 2 million rupees ie 2 million rupees and for a brand new car you can take 3 million rupees ie 3 million rupees. The person who can take this investment must be at least 21 years old. That is, he must be an adult of 21 years and a maximum of 65 years. That is, he should be between 21 and 65 years old. Then this person can take investment.

Read more – Sonali Bank Personal Loan

Investments for small businesses

If you want to start a business and want to take investment from Islamic Bank for this business. Then different types of investments will be applicable for you in different cases. For example, if you are a city, i.e. all cities, towns and cities are yours. Then you can take 0.50 million or five lakh taka. If you are district and municipality you can take three lakh taka. In other regions you can take two lakh rupees investment.

12% return charge will be applicable to you after taking the above mentioned investment. That is, if you take these investments above, but your return rate will be 12% interest. They have to pay extra money, pay it to the bank. And the investment taken from the bank should be repaid within one year and maximum two years. And you have to pay this amount within one to two years.

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