A village doctor A village doctor is a highly valued figure in the village community, known for providing medical assistance to the villagers. While not formally qualified, he gains experience by working under a qualified doctor or in a medicine shop. Despite his limited resources, the village doctor’s dispensary serves as a significant healthcare center … Read more

Deforestation Paragraph

Deforestation Deforestation is the cutting down of trees on a large scale. The causes of deforestation are many. Bangladesh is the most densely populated country in the world. Its population is much more in proportion to its area. This huge population needs more shelter, agricultural land, fuel, furniture, etc. For all these reasons people cut trees. … Read more

A Railway Station paragraph

A railway station A railway station is a bustling hub where trains start and stop on their scheduled journeys. It’s like a meeting point for passengers and trains. You can get off a train at the station, or you can get on a train to start your journey. Some railway stations are located at the … Read more

A Tea Stall Paragraph

A Tea Stall  A Tea Stall is a simple yet bustling place where tea is prepared and served to customers from all walks of life. This common spot welcomes everyone, offering a place to sit and enjoy a cup of tea in exchange for a payment. Alongside tea, they also offer biscuits, bread, bananas, and … Read more

A Winter Morning paragraph

A Winter Morning A winter morning is chilly and misty with dense fog all around. Sometimes the fog is so thick that even the sun struggles to break through. Everything looks hazy  and objects in the distance are hard to see. The sun seems to rise later than usual adding to the cold feeling. During … Read more

Climate Change paragraph

Climate Change Climate change is a big problem that affects the whole world. Human activities, like burning fossil fuels, deforestation  and industrial processes have released significant amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and it makes the Earth warmer. The consequences of climate change are far-reaching, including rising sea levels, more frequent and severe natural … Read more

Environmental pollution paragraph

Environmental pollution Environmental pollution is a significant change in the chemical, physical, and biological aspects of our surroundings. Unfortunately, it has become a serious problem in our country. In cities, the air is polluted by smoke from factories and harmful gasses emitted by vehicles. Water pollution is also a concern, especially due to untreated sewage … Read more